Can You Freeze Peppermint Sticks?

Peppermint sticks are a beloved treat enjoyed by many during the holiday season and beyond. Whether you enjoy them as a sweet snack or use them as a festive decoration, you may find yourself wondering if you can freeze peppermint sticks to extend their shelf life or simply save them for later.

Freezing food is a common way to preserve it, but not all foods freeze well. So, can you freeze peppermint sticks?

Yes, peppermint sticks can be frozen, but it’s important to note that the texture and flavor may change once they’re thawed. It’s best to wrap them tightly in plastic wrap or an airtight container to prevent freezer burn and place them in the freezer. When you’re ready to enjoy them, allow them to thaw at room temperature for several hours before eating.

In this guide, we’ll explore the answer to this question and provide some helpful tips on how to freeze and thaw peppermint sticks properly.

Things to Consider When Freezing Peppermint Sticks

Here are some factors that impact freezing peppermint sticks:

  1. Texture: Freezing can cause the texture of peppermint sticks to become brittle and crumbly, which may affect their quality.
  2. Flavor: Peppermint sticks can absorb flavors from other foods in the freezer, so it’s important to wrap them tightly to prevent this from happening.
  3. Freezer burn: If peppermint sticks are not wrapped tightly, they can develop freezer burn, which can affect their texture and flavor.
  4. Refreezing: Refreezing thawed peppermint sticks can cause them to become even more brittle and affect their quality, so it’s best to avoid doing this.
  5. Storage time: While peppermint sticks can technically be frozen indefinitely, their quality may deteriorate over time, so it’s best to consume them within a few months of freezing.

Do Peppermint Sticks Go Bad?

Peppermint sticks can go bad over time. Exposure to moisture, heat, or light can cause them to soften, stick together, or lose their flavor.

Additionally, if they are stored in unsanitary conditions, they may develop mold or other harmful bacteria.

It’s best to consume peppermint sticks within a few months of purchase or according to the expiration date on the packaging to ensure their quality and safety.

Proper storage in a cool, dry place in an airtight container can also help to prolong their shelf life.

How Long Do Peppermint Sticks Last In The Freezer?

Peppermint sticks can last in the freezer for an indefinite amount of time, as long as they are stored properly.

However, it’s best to consume them within a few months of freezing for optimal quality and flavor.

If stored in an airtight container or wrapped tightly in plastic wrap, peppermint sticks can maintain their quality for several months in the freezer.

After thawing, it’s important to consume them within a few days to prevent any potential spoilage.

How Do You Store Peppermint Sticks?

To store peppermint sticks, it’s best to keep them in a cool, dry place in an airtight container to prevent exposure to moisture, heat, or light, which can cause them to soften or lose flavor.

Peppermint sticks can also be stored in the freezer by wrapping them tightly in plastic wrap or placing them in an airtight container to prevent freezer burn.

Proper storage can help to maintain the quality and freshness of peppermint sticks for a longer period of time.

How Do You Make Peppermint Sticks?

Peppermint sticks are typically made by mixing sugar, corn syrup, and water, then heating the mixture to the hard crack stage.

Peppermint oil and food coloring are added before the mixture is poured onto a greased surface to cool and harden.

Once hardened, the peppermint candy is broken into sticks and rolled in powdered sugar or cornstarch to prevent sticking.

The process requires precision and attention to detail, as any variations in temperature or ingredients can affect the texture and flavor of the final product.

What Are Peppermint Sticks Good for?

Peppermint sticks are a versatile treat that can be enjoyed in many ways. They are often used as a sweet snack and can be crushed and used as a topping for ice cream, cakes, or hot cocoa.

Peppermint sticks can also be used as a festive decoration during the holiday season. They make a great addition to candy canes, wreaths, and other holiday-themed crafts.

Additionally, peppermint sticks can be used to freshen breath or soothe an upset stomach, thanks to their natural peppermint flavor.

How Long Does Peppermint Candy Last?

Peppermint candy can last for several months if stored properly in a cool, dry place in an airtight container.

The exact shelf life may vary depending on factors such as the type of candy and the storage conditions. Exposure to moisture, heat, or light can cause peppermint candy to soften or lose flavor more quickly.

It’s best to consume peppermint candy within a few months of purchase or according to the expiration date on the packaging for optimal quality and safety.


You can freeze peppermint sticks however there are several factors to consider to maintain their quality. Proper storage in an airtight container or wrapped tightly in plastic wrap can help prevent freezer burn and maintain their texture and flavor.

It’s also important to consume them within a few months of freezing for optimal quality. With the right precautions, you can freeze peppermint sticks and enjoy them at a later time without compromising their taste and texture.



James is a professional chef with experience in cooking and handling and food. He created this blog to share the knowledge and experience with you.